How to Find Content Clarity for Creative Entrepreneurs


Do you love being a craftsman but dislike all of the business aspects of being a creative entrepreneur? Are you striving to be individualized and set yourself apart from the competition? I was so excited to have Trisha Craig on the Content Cash Machine podcast so that she can share her email marketing tips and how to show up authentically as a creative business entrepreneur.

Want to connect with Trisha Craig to find content clarity for your creative business? Follow Trisha on Facebook at Creatives as Entrepreneurs. 

Do you have a musical teen who wants to use music to leverage their acceptance into college and earn scholarship money? Check out the Music Builds Lives website to see how you can help the teen in your life. 

During the worldwide pandemic, Trisha discovered that people in creative fields need entrepreneurial direction and coaching, so she dove into her latest endeavor: Creatives as Entrepreneurs. In just a few months, she has energized the business efforts of musicians, potters, chefs, reiki practitioners, painters, essential oil sellers, make-up artists, hair stylists, community builders, personal trainers, and other creative spirits.


Common Misconceptions of How to Find Content Clarity for Creative Entrepreneurs:

  • Have to take business classes to be a creative entrepreneur- hire someone to take of the business aspects so you can focus on doing what you do best and creating your product

  • Have to be pushy and salesy to have a successful business- business is relational. Building a relationship with clients so that they continue to come back and buy your product. 

  • Email marketing has to include monthly newsletters- you can have personal and sincere email conversations to build relationships. 

  • Have to have a lot of followers on social media or in your email list- it is great to have a large following, but you need to have the right audience and people who will actually purchase from you.

Actionable Steps to Create Content Strategy for Creative Entrepreneurs:

  • Clarity Tool- use “big paper for big ideas.”

    Step 1: Who are you? List everything about yourself- i.e. physicality, relationships, spirituality, creativity. 

    Step 2: What problem do you solve? What do you provide for your clients?

    Step 3: For whom do you provide for? Who will buy your product?

  • Tips for email marketing and building relationships:

    • You can make your email personable and send them one at a time- having an actual conversation with real people to start building your email list.  

    • Send warm and sincere emails to clients- because you are just thinking of them, or while making your product this color is their favorite.

    • Have a link in the personal email that says, “if you like this product, the follow this link to snag one.”

    • Sharing on social media can also be personable- when sharing your product, you can say, “the first one to respond gets it and I will send it to you.” 

    • When sending daily, weekly or monthly newsletters, share information that will help people and make their life better. Create a list of topics that you will send out- i.e. clients problems, worries, motivational ideas. 

    • Email marketing is educating and building a relationship.

  • Share glimpses of behind the scenes when creating your product- reminds people that you are a human and feel more connected. This will help your clients see the value of your product and set you apart from the big business competition.


Final Thoughts from Trisha on How to Find Content Clarity for Creative Entrepreneurs:

“Be you, authentically you. It’s not about business, let’s not do business. Let's charm everybody. So that means clarity, honesty, authenticity, relationships, mindset, and momentum. And all of that comes down to being you. Be who you are and communicate your way.”

Connect with Trisha:

  1. Do you have a musical teen who wants to use music to leverage their acceptance into college and earn scholarship money? Check out the Music Builds Lives website to see how you can help the teen in your life.

Connect with Danielle: 

Danielle Gagnon