How to Master Public Speaking with Brenden Kumarasamy


Are you experiencing the imposter syndrome and are intimidated by speaking in front of just a few people? If so, how are you going to speak in front of hundreds of people? Do you need to learn more about how to master public speaking so that you can share your message with the world? Brenden Kumarasamy joins me on the Content Cash Machine podcast and dives into his public speaking and live streaming tips that you can use to leverage your business.

Want to connect with Brenden to learn how to master public speaking? Check out MasterTalk on YouTube to get daily exercises to improve your public speaking skills. 

Check out Brenden’s website to see the latest speaking engagements, presentations and workshops he is providing. 

Brenden is the founder of MasterTalk, a YouTube channel he started to help the world master the art of public speaking and communication. He coaches purpose driven entrepreneurs on how to master their message and share their ideas.


How Mastering Public Speaking Will Impact Your Business:

  • Every interaction is communication- conversations with family, friends, colleagues. By being great and effective communicators, it not only helps our businesses, but also the quality of our lives.

  • Public speaking is how you scale your ideas- if you have a coaching business or a service-based business, it's much easier to help a larger percentage of people when you're on scalable platforms.

  • A Business Coach- having one-on-one conversations and providing consulting services.

  • A Thought Leader- speaking to thousands of people at the same time through video or a podcast and is attracting many more people, not just towards their mission and ideas, but also their business.

  • When you determine the reason why you're giving a presentation, it's much easier for you to push through.

Actionable Steps on How to Improve Public Speaking Skills:

  • The Puzzle Method- start with the edge pieces first. 

    • Practice the introduction and the conclusion of your presentation 50 times- you will have a newfound confidence.

    • Then tackle the middle of your presentation. 

  • Scale your message- understand what's driving people, why they're seeking out the information that you're sharing and scale your message so that they will understand your topic. And by scaling your message, you can easily share it over and over again and continue to grow confidence and be the expert in your field.


Final Thoughts from Brenden on How to Master Public Speaking:

“If you apply Puzzle [Puzzle Method] in your life and you start with the edges and you've mastered the edges, in any singular presentation that you work on, if you do that enough times, I pretty much guarantee you'll be able to double, triple, 10 X your communication skills.”

Connect with Brenden:

  • Want to connect with Brenden to learn how to master public speaking? Check out Master Talk on YouTube to get daily exercises to improve your public speaking skills. 

  • Check out Brenden’s website to see the latest speaking engagements, presentations and workshops he is providing.

Connect with Danielle: 

Danielle Gagnon