How to Build Relationships on Instagram with Katie Malone


Is building your followers on Instagram a daunting task? Or perhaps you feel like you have to have 10,000 followers in order to be successful? Katie Malone joins me on the Content Cash Machine Podcast to debunk those misconceptions and share beneficial strategies on how to build relationships on Instagram to help grow your business.

Need more help with business success? You can message Katie on Instagram to learn more tips and strategies.

Katie is a mom of one, and a social media strategist and coach for ambitious moms. With over 10 years of experience in digital marketing, Katie has worked with dozens of brands from small business to enterprise, and now works with mom business owners to start their own business, find success using social media, and build a life of freedom, flexibility and financial abundance. 


Common Misconceptions of What it Takes to Grow a Business on Instagram:

  • Need to have 10,000 followers on Instagram to be successful- start small and learn from your audience. You will build the know, like, and trust factors and your audience will become your raving fans. Savvy businesses have an engaged audience. 

  • Having smaller followers means smaller engagement- comment and begin conversations on other peoples pages and posts. Provide value, make connections and find your audience rather than waiting for them to come to you.

Actionable Steps to Growing a Business on Instagram:

  • Make a plan of action- write down tasks you enjoy and then narrow down to monetized services. 

  • Thinking long term and building up your community- your audience will be the first in line to purchase your new product or service and can expect your quality and value. By getting to know them, you are providing a product or service that serves them.

  • Listen to conversations that are happening in groups- listen to their needs and then leave your value so that people will agree with you and then come find you. 

  • Proactive outreach- on a community page that is curated with people you want to work with, begin commenting on posts. Once you engage and begin a conversation with someone, then you can go to their personal page and leave comments, answer questions and leave your value. 

  • Hashtags for finding your ideal client- searching the hashtags of your ideal client, seeking them out, and then begin building a connection i.e. search #momprenuer, #bossmom, #stayathomemom

  • Include a call to action when creating content- prompting engagement is going to get you more engagement. i.e. like, comment, share this post, drop a GIF if this resonates with you, what questions do you have, etc. Mix it up and don’t have the same call to action every time. 

  • When people begin engaging with you in the comments sections, then drop them a message in DM’s. Have relationship building conversations versus selling your product or service. 

  • Instagram Collections is a way to organize saved posts in a collection- add them to a collection after engaging with them. Then when you have dedicated time, open up a collection and engage on content that they have shared.


Final Thoughts from Katie on How to Build Relationships on Instagram: 

“Being self-aware and being adventurous and trying different things, especially if what you're doing is not working. But not to follow the cookie cutter, be authentically yourself, find ways to show up on social media that feel good for you and help you connect with the person you're trying to connect with.”

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Danielle Gagnon